
Genetic Testing

Understanding Your Genetic Makeup for Proactive Cancer Care

Genetic screening delves deep into your genes, chromosomes, and proteins to identify specific variations or mutations associated with an increased risk of various cancers. This proactive approach estimates your likelihood of developing certain cancers over your lifetime, enabling personalized strategies for risk minimization and overall well-being.

See if you qualify for genetic testing

  • Genetic screening delves deep into your genes, chromosomes, and proteins to identify specific variations or mutations associated with an increased risk of various cancers. This proactive approach estimates your likelihood of developing certain cancers over your lifetime, enabling personalized strategies for risk minimization and overall well-being.

  • Your genes significantly influence your cancer risk. Understanding your genetic makeup empowers you and your healthcare provider to create a targeted plan for prevention, early detection, and intervention. Genetic screening provides valuable insights for important decisions about treatments, surgeries, and ongoing monitoring, spanning a spectrum of cancer types.

  • Our genetic screening program begins with a comprehensive consultation, discussing your family's cancer history and assessing the potential benefits of genetic testing. If indicated, a simple blood or saliva sample is collected and sent to a state-of-the-art lab for testing, with results typically available within 2-3 weeks.

Potential Gene Mutations

Two-Column Chart
Cancer Type: Associated Genes*:
Breast 17 Genes
Ovarian 11 Genes
Colorectal 13 Genes
Uterine 3 Genes
Pancreatic 9 Genes
Prostate 10 Genes
Stomach 4 Genes
Melanoma 5 Genes
Other 11 Genes

(*Out of 36 possible genes to be tested. Additional genes may be ordered based on family history.)

Interpreting the Results

Just like the uniqueness of your genetic makeup, your genetic screening results can fall into different categories:

Negative Result:

No harmful genetic mutations were detected.

Positive Results:

A genetic mutation was found, indicating an increased risk of certain breast cancers.

Variant of Unknown Significance (VUS):

Sometimes, a genetic change's impact is uncertain. Our team will guide you through its implications.

Regardless of the result, our expert genetic screening counselor will guide you through the implications and next steps.


Qualifying for Genetic Screening

If you answer "yes" to any of the following questions, you and your family members may benefit from hereditary breast cancer genetic testing:

Have you or your family members* been diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age (50 or younger)?

Have you or your family members* been diagnosed with rare breast cancers?

Have you or your family members* been diagnosed with multiple breast cancers?

Has breast cancer affected three or more people on the same side of your family?

Do you have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry?

Has anyone in your family been found to have a hereditary gene mutation?

*Blood relatives, such as siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles/cousins.

See if you qualify for genetic testing

Unlock Insights for a Healthier Future

With our accelerated results, you can promptly undertake your personalized health plan, addressing various cancer risks. Your genetic screening insights empower you to make informed choices aligned with your unique health aspirations.

Our expert team at Premier Breast Health Institute is here to guide you every step of the way, from understanding your results to crafting personalized prevention and treatment strategies. Genetic screening offers a powerful tool to take control of your health and well-being, extending beyond breast cancer. Contact us today to learn more and embrace the empowerment genetic screening brings to your journey toward a healthier future.

Determine Your Eligibility for Genetic Screening

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